今天在 EZ talk英文誌Bathtunes(浴室之歌)這篇文章裏看到了這句
--Singing in the rain, 這是出自於1952年好萊塢歌舞電影Singing in the rain
--Singing in the rain, 這是出自於1952年好萊塢歌舞電影Singing in the rain
這大概是我最喜歡的一首英文老歌, 每次下雨天走在煩悶潮濕擁擠的台北街道
常常會想起這首歌, 哼著這個輕快的旋律, 想到主角快樂的拿著雨傘在雨中跳舞的畫面
呵呵, 你知道的, 我不會這樣做, 因為我會被人投以異樣眼光, 而且我也不想被雨淋濕
不過我的願望已經在多年前的一次聖誕節晚會中做到(well 雖然是工作需要)
但是那時我的音樂是Fool's Garden裏的一首歌,
現在, 夜裡, 台北又下起了傾盆大雨
不過此刻的我可沒這等閒情逸致還有心情, 想要dancing and singning in the rain
我只想看到, 雨停之後, 被雨洗拭整晚的街道
I'm singing in the rain
I'm singing in the rain I'm dancin' and singin' in the rain...
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feelin' [ADDITIONAL VERSE]
I'm happy again Why am I smiling
I'm laughing at clouds And why do I sing?
So dark up above Why does September
The sun's in my heart Seem sunny as spring?
And I'm ready for love Why do I get up
Let the stormy clouds chase Each morning and start?
Everyone from the place Happy and head up
Come on with the rain With joy in my heart
I've a smile on my face Why is each new task
I walk down the lane A trifle to do?
With a happy refrain Because I am living
Just singin', A life full of you.
Singin' in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feelin' [ADDITIONAL VERSE]
I'm happy again Why am I smiling
I'm laughing at clouds And why do I sing?
So dark up above Why does September
The sun's in my heart Seem sunny as spring?
And I'm ready for love Why do I get up
Let the stormy clouds chase Each morning and start?
Everyone from the place Happy and head up
Come on with the rain With joy in my heart
I've a smile on my face Why is each new task
I walk down the lane A trifle to do?
With a happy refrain Because I am living
Just singin', A life full of you.
Singin' in the rain