TVBS每個星期日晚上十點的 " 一步一腳印, 發現新台灣"
今晚的第一個故事由 抬頭挺胸生活 1米3的陽光志工 開始
媽媽由一開始的不能接受, 而自閉哭泣了幾個月, 到後來因為顧客的一句話而改變了她的想法
宗教的力量也導引著她, 帶著年紀小小的俊翰開始做志工, 培養他成熟正向積極的人格,
最後俊翰得到一年一度全國青少年志工最大獎, 可以代表台灣到美國,與世界各國志工代表交流
接下來的一個差一點關門歇業的傳統麵店, 因為名作家舒國治的慧眼
(一個麵包店的麵包好不好, 要看他的波籮麵包)
My niece, Mary, her boyfriend and his family are really nice,
they came from America to visit my cousin's family this spring break.
(The funny thing is his boyfriend and brother all study in the college of medicine,
however, Mary never told them what's her father do.)
This two family had few days traveled around Taiwan togehter,
and they get to know each other well.
Mom came back this Friday and she showed us those pictures.
I'm so happy that Mary met such nice person, from the man's sincere
and try very hard to manage their relationship.
I know I can't compare this kind of thing to myself, but I think I know something
from their interaction.
How hard a man can work between their relationship, then a woman can tell and
make sure how firm their family would be.
Althoght we are not sure what gonna be in the end, it's worth a try.
With a sincere heart and he is really want to try, the man will have courage and response.
If not, he must not take the girl seriously, and it's time to wake up.